COVID-19 Phase 1 Rowing Rules and Guidelines
UPDATED - 5/26/2020
The Milwaukee Rowing Club is open only to adult members who are cleared to row single sculls. This includes members who would need assistance carrying a rec single. All members who are cleared MUST follow the strict protocols below. Members not cleared to row a single on their own are not permitted to row at this time. (Failure to comply with these protocols may result in temporary revocation of access rights to the boathouse)
Who may row?
Only members who are cleared to row single sculls – you may be assisted by one other member to carry your shell (while practicing social distancing)
Must be a 2020 registered member (Ronin registration)
Singles are the only boats permitted on the water (2x’s are permitted only if you live with your partner – no exceptions and no larger crews)
Members MUST reserve your shell online in advance (Shell Reservation above)
Safety Measures and Protocols:
Members only permitted to row during listed hours of operation for shell reservation
Members MUST wear a mask in the Boathouse
You MUST sanitize your hands before handling the equipment
You MUST use wipes/disinfectant on the oar handles and seated area in the shell before and after use. Follow steps from the MRC Disinfecting Process Youtube video
The cubbies are NOT available for use. Do not bring any baggage, gear, or equipment down to the Boathouse (you may store only your keys)
Only up to TWO people are permitted to be in the Boathouse at a time. If two people are in the Boathouse, you are to wait until they exit in order to enter
Social distancing guidelines MUST be followed on the plaza/dock (an oar’s length).
Do NOT use the trash receptacles – take your trash with you
Do NOT use the restroom unless absolutely necessary (emergency) – clean all surfaces after use (toilet, sink, door handle, etc.) with the wipes available in the restroom.
Update on Programs
No juniors, collegiate or inexperienced adult members are permitted to row on the water at this time. Programming will open with our high school team first. This will consist of outdoor, land-based training in small groups. We must continue to follow all social distancing guidelines. We will open up to further programs when we are able to do so. Programming will begin with small groups and extend as appropriate. More information will be sent as we gain further insight on our timeline. Stay tuned!